Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 1976. President of the Law Student Council, School of Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 1974.
Experience: Partner at Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2005). Chairman of the Internal Relations and Good Practices Committee of Sociedad de Fomento Fabril (Sofofa), 2023. Chairman of the Good Practices Committee of the Santiago Stock Exchange, 2023. Chairman of the Good Practices Committee of the Electronic Stock Exchange of Chile, 2023. Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee of CCLV, Contraparte Central S.A., 2023. Former Chairman of the Arbitration and Mediation Center (CAM) of the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago. Former Vice-chairman of the Board, ScotiaBank Chile. Former President and Member of the Board of ICC Chile. Former member of ICC Paris, representing Chile. Former Adviser of the Sociedad de Fomento Fabril (Sofofa). Partner at Vial y Palma Abogados (1977-2005).
Activities: Former Professor of Introduction to Law and Civil Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Recognitions: Recognized by Chambers and Partners Global and Latin America in Dispute Resolution, Most Recognized Arbitrators in Chile (2012 to date); Leaders League in Arbitration Dispute Resolution and Disputes; and Best Lawyers in Arbitration, Banking and Finance, Investment, Mergers and Acquisitions.
Memberships: Committee and Counsel of Arbitrators of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago (CAM Santiago), Chilean Bar Association.
Practice Areas: Corporate, Civil, and Commercial Law; Litigation and Arbitration; Banking Law; Foreign Investment; International Licenses; Investments, Mergers & Acquisitions; Securities Law; Tax Law.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Universidad de Chile, 1993. Introduction to the U.S. Business Legal System program, University of Michigan, U.S.A. 2002. Graduate Diploma in Tax Law, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, 2004.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2005). Vial y Palma (1992-2005).
Practice Areas: Tax Law; Corporate and Commercial Law; Litigation and Arbitration.
Memberships: Chilean Bar Association; Center for Labor Law Studies.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Universidad de los Andes, 2005. Graduate Diploma in New Trends in Contracts and Damages, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2012. Master’s in Company Law, obtaining the Academic Performance Award for the highest ranked student among the graduating class, and Graduate Diploma in Corporations and Financing, Universidad de los Andes, 2013-2014. Since 2015, Ad-hoc Secretary of the Good Practices Committee of the Santiago Stock Exchange and the Chilean Electronic Stock Exchange and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of CCLV, Contraparte Central S.A.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2015). Serrano Weinstein Abogados, (2008-2014).
Practice Areas: Corporate and Companies Law; Finance Law; Capital Markets; ESG.
Activities: Professor of Commercial Law at Universidad Diego Portales, 2019.
Memberships: Chilean Bar Association.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 1997. Master in Tax Management, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, 2004.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2024). Partner Alessandri Abogados (2021-2024). Partner Gorziglia Benitez Morales Cox (2017-2020). Arteaga Gorziglia y Cía. (2010-2016). Portaluppi Guzmán y Bezanilla (1998-2010).
Activities: Program Director and Professor Master in Tax Law Universidad de Los Andes (since 2014). Professor of Tax Law Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (since 1998). Professor of Tax Law Universidad de Los Andes (since 2012). Professor of Diploma Courses: Real Estate and Construction Law; Municipal and Territorial Taxation; Administrative Sanctioning; Insolvency and Re-entry and others.
Publications: Class Notes Tax Law: Tax Code, Income Tax and VAT, 2008; Principi Cumuni Diritto Costituzionale Tributario Colab. V. Uckmar; Cedam, 1999; Tradición y Prescripción Adquisitiva como Modo de Acquirir el Dominio, Colab. Víctor Vial del Río, Ed. UC, 1999.
Memberships: Chilean Bar Association; IFA Chile AG.
Practice Area: Tax Law.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 1996. Postgraduate degree in Economics and Finance for Lawyers, Faculty of Economics, Universidad de Chile, 1999. Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A., LL.M., 2003.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2005). Estudio José Joaquín Ugarte (1994-1999). CTC Comunicaciones Móviles S.A. (currently Movistar) (1999). Fulbright and Jaworski LLP, Houston, U.S.A. (2003-2004). Vial y Palma (1999-2005).
Activities: Assistant Professor of Civil Law, Universidad Diego Portales (2008-2011). Professor of Contracts course, Universidad Diego Portales (2015-2019). Professor of International Arbitration course, LL.M. in International Law, Investment, Commerce and Arbitration, Heidelberg Center for Latin America (2016-2019).
Recognitions: Recognized by Chambers and Partners Global (2013 to 2020) and Latin America in Dispute Resolution (2013 to 2019); by Leaders League in Litigation (2017 and 2020) and Arbitration (2017 and 2020); Antitrust (2018 a 2020) and Construction (2019 y 2020). Recognized by Who’s Who Legal in the areas of Commercial Litigation (2009 and 2010; 2018 and 2019) and Oil & Gas (2010); and by Best Lawyers in Arbitration (2019 and 2020).
Practice Areas: Litigation; Domestic and International Arbitration, Alternative Dispute Resolution; Corporate, Civil, and Commercial Law.
Memberships: Chilean Bar Association. Ethics Judge; Member of the Roster of Arbitrators of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago (CAM Santiago); Arbitrator for the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism, 2018; Member of the roster of Arbitrators, Court of Appeals of Santiago, Chile (2019 and 2020); ICC Chile.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2005. Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A., LL.M, 2012.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2007). Leighton & Cía. Abogados (2004-2006). Cencosud Holding (2007). Crowell & Moring LLP, Washington D.C., U.S.A. (2012-2013).
Activities: Professor of Procedural Law, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez School of Law (2020).
Publications: Coauthor of Chilean Chapter on Conflict Resolution, “Getting the Deal Through” (2009 and 2011 editions). Coauthor of Chilean Chapter “Law & Practice”, International Arbitration, CHAMBERS Country Practice Guides, Chambers and Partners (2016 edition).
Practice Areas: Domestic & International Arbitration; Litigation; Reorganization and Liquidation; Antitrust; Corporate, Commercial, and Civil Law.
Memberships: Chilean Bar Association; Arbitrator of CAM Santiago; MINVU Arbitrator under Act No. 19,281, Section 40. Member of the roster of Arbitrators, Court of Appeals of Santiago, Chile.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Universidad Gabriela Mistral, 1996. Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., LL.M., 2002.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2005). Vial y Palma (1994-2005). Milbank, Tweed, Hadley and McCloy, New York, U.S.A. (2002-2003). Alternate Director, Scotiabank Chile.
Practice Areas: Corporate, Civil, Commercial, and Sports Law; Mergers & Acquisitions.
Memberships: Chilean Bar Association.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Universidad Gabriela Mistral, 1994. Advanced Civil Law Course, School of Law, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, 1997. Course on Contracts and their Taxation, School of Law, Universidad Finis Terrae, 2001. Master in Business Law (MBL), Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, 2004-2005.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2005). Vial y Palma (1996-2005). Director, Compañía Molinera San Cristóbal S.A. (since 2017). Secretary of the Board, Empresa Portuaria Talcahuano – San Vicente (since 2020).
Activities: Professor of Commercial Law, Universidad Diego Portales, (since 2018). Assistant Professor of Commercial Law, School of Law, Universidad de Chile (2000-2009).
Practice Areas: Corporate, Civil, and Commercial Law; Securities Law; Foreign Investment, Mergers & Acquisitions; Antitrust; Consumer Rights Law; Real Estate Law; Finance Law.
Memberships: Chilean Bar Association. Member of the Mediation Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago (CAM Santiago);
Languages: Spanish.
Dispute Resolution Area Director
Education: Law, Universidad Diego Portales, 2003. Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., LL.M., 2010.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2010). Álvarez Hinzpeter y Jana Abogados (2005-2008).
Recognitions: Distinguished by Chambers and Partners Latin American in Dispute Resolution (2018 and 2019). Distinguished by Best Lawyers in Arbitration, Mediation and Litigation (2019 and 2020).
Practice Areas: Civil and Commercial Litigation and Arbitration.
Memberships: Chilean Bar Association; ICC Chile. Member of the Roster of Arbitrators of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago (CAM Santiago).
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Universidad Diego Portales, 1990. LL.M. in Environmental Law, Vermont Law School, Vermont, U.S.A., 2002-2003. Graduate Diploma in Law and Institutions of the European Union, Universidad de los Andes, 2004. Graduate Diploma in Trade, Investments and International Contracts, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2005.
Experience: Vergara & Melo y Cía. Abogados (1990-2002). Projects Manager, Poch Ambiental (2004-2007). Senior Project Manager, First Climate (2007-2009). Senior Broker and Representative for Latin America, TRADITION GREEN (since 2009).
Practice Areas: Civil Law; Environmental Law, and Climate Change Legislation, ESG.
Activities: Adjunct Professor Vermont Law School “Global Energy Law and Policy”
Memberships: Chilean Bar Association; Center for Environmental Law; International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); Chilean Environmental Law Association (ACHIDAM). Senior Fellow for Latin American Climate and Energy Law and Policy. Institute for Energy and The Environment, Vermont Law School; Trust Law Foundation.
Languages: Spanish and English
Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica, 2014. Minor in Contemporary History, Faculty of History, Geography and Political Science, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2014. Postgraduate Diploma in Tax Modernization, School of Law, Universidad de Chile, 2021.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2022). Franco y Corvalán Asociados (2016-2021).
Practice Areas: Tax Law, Corporate Law.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica, 2015. Minor in International Relations, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2012. Postgraduate Diploma in Tax Management and Application, SETRI-IDET, 2021.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2024). Larson Tax & Legal (2019-2024). Villalba y Cía. (2018).
Practice Areas: Tax Law, Corporate Law.
Languages: Spanish.
Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2018. Graduate Diploma in Law and Competition Policy, Universidad de Chile, School of Law, 2019.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2019). Aylwin Asociados (2017-2019).
Practice Areas: Corporate Law; Tax Law; Commercial and Civil Law.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2019.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2024). Barros & Errázuriz, M&A corporate group (2021 – 2024). Morales y Besa, paralegal (2018-2019).
Practice Areas: Corporate Law; Commercial and Civil Law; M&A.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Universidad de los Andes, 2015. University of Vermont, Summer Program, U.S.A., 2011. LL.M. – Summer Program, Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A., 2014. Graduate Diploma in Bankruptcy Law, School of Law, Universidad de Chile, 2017. LL.M. (reading), Bucerius Law School Hochschule für Rechtswissenschaft, Master of Law and Business (MLB), (2019-2020).
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2016). Dell’Oro Abogados (2015-2016). Oppenhoff & Partner Rechtsanwälte (2020).
Activities: Assistant Professor of Commercial Law, Universidad Diego Portales School of Law, 2018-2019.
Practice Areas: Civil and Commercial Litigation; Arbitration; Corporate, Commercial and Civil Law; Reorganization and Liquidation of Companies and Persons; E-Commerce.
Memberships: Chilean Bar Association.
Languages: Spanish, English and German.
Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2019. Graduate Diploma in “National and International Commercial Arbitration”, Universidad de Chile and Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago (CAM Santiago), 2023.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2021). Yrarrázaval, Ruiz Tagle, Ovalle, Salas y Vial (Paralegal, 2016-2018). Trainer of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Arbitration Team, International Arbitration Competition (2024) and International Investment Arbitration Competition (2024-2025). Member of the Executive Committee of Santiago Very Young Arbitration Practitioners (2024-2025).
Practice Areas: Litigation and Arbitration; Civil and Commercial Law.
Memberships: Chilean Bar Association.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2019. Master’s Degree in Tax Management, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, (2022-2023).
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2023). Ulloa & Cía (Associate 2021-2023), Morales & Besa (Paralegal, 2018-2020).
Practice Areas: Tax Law, Corporate Law.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Universidad de los Andes, 2018. Diploma “Duties, obligations and damages: from Rome to modern law”, Salamanca, Spain.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2022), Puga Varela y Canales (2020-2022), SIV Abogados (Paralegal, 2019-2020).
Practice Areas: Labor Law.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2018. Vice President of the Law Student Council, Pontificia Universidad Católica, 2016. King’s College London, UK, Academic Exchange, 2017.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2019).
Activities: Assistant professor of Procedural Law, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, School of Law (2020).
Practice Areas: Litigation and Arbitration; Civil and Commercial Law.
Memberships: Chilean Bar Association.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2019.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2022).
Practice Areas: Corporate Law.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Universidad de Los Andes de Chile, 2023.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2024). Cruz Abogados (2023).
Practice Areas: Litigation and Arbitration and Civil Law.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2019. Graduate Diploma in “Advanced Procedural Law and Litigation”, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2022.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (desde 2023). Briones Sánchez Santelices Abogados (2021-2023). Grupo Vial Serrano Abogados (Paralegal, 2017-2018).
Practice Areas:Litigation and Arbitration; Civil Law.
Languages:Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Universidad Diego Portales, 2022.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2022), Founder and General Coordinator of the Student Journal of Procedural Law of Universidad Diego Portales (since 2020), Grupo Vial Abogados (Paralegal, 2019-2022).
Activities: Assistant of the Procedural Law Department, Universidad Diego Portales (2018-2021).
Membership: Universidad Diego Portales, Study Group of Procedural Law (2019-2021).
Practice Areas: Labor Law and Litigation.
Languages: Spanish.
Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2013. University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, LL.M, 2019.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2014). Litigation paralegal, Grupo Vial Abogados, (2012-2014).
Activities: Professor of Procedural Law, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez School of Law (2020).
Practice Areas: Arbitration and Litigation; Civil Law; Labor Law.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2013. II International Seminar on Roman Law “Good Faith in Contracts”, Universidad de Salamanca, 2011. Specialization course on Construction Law, Universidad de los Andes, 2015. LL.M.-UC, emphasis in Regulatory Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2018.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2014).
Practice Areas: Civil, Commercial and Corporate Law; Mergers & Acquisitions; Urban and Real Estate Law; Regulatory and Administrative Law.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2019.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2021). Cruz Abogados (Paralegal, 2017-2018).
Practice Areas: Corporate, Civil and Commercial Law.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Law, Universidad de Chile, 1993. Graduate Diploma in Contracts and their Taxation, Universidad Finis Terrae, 2002.
Experience: Grupo Vial Abogados (since 2013). Estudio Levi & Yaconi Cía Abogados Asociados (1997-2006). Legal Adviser, attorney assigned to the in-house counsel of the “IV Etapa Interconexión Vial Valparaíso-MERVAL S.A.” project (2001-2006). Estudio Hermosilla & Cía Abogados (2006-2007). Legal Department Coordinator of the Urban Roads and Transport Program – SECTRA (2008-2011). Deputy Secretary, Municipality of Providencia (2012).
Practice Areas: Corporate, Civil and Commercial Law; Public and Administrative Law; Public Tenders; Environmental Law; Corporations and Foundations; Corporate Governance.
Memberships: Chilean Bar Association
Languages: Spanish and English.
Education: Faculty of Economics and Finance, Universidad de Chile, 1991.
Experience: Administration and Finance Manager, Grupo Vial Abogados (since August 2016). Administration and Finance Manager, Prieto y Cía. (2002-2009). Administration and Finance Manager, Millward Brown Chile WPP group (2009-2014). Administration and Finance Manager, Vicsa Safety Comercial, Bunzl group (2015).
Languages: Spanish, English, and German.